Key Points from the immediate Cash Support Relief package
For businesses operating in South Australia :
- A new $1000 cash grant for eligible small businesses such as sole traders (who do not employ any staff members).
- To improve the cash flow, an immediate $3000 grant will be provided to small businesses. This will help them to cover their operating bills and expenses such as utility bills or commercial rent.
- The grant will apply to businesses, that have a payroll of less than $10 million.
- Turnover of the business in the past two years should have been at least $75,000 or more. Also showing a decrease in business by 30 per cent due to the 7-day lockdown.
For eligible workers :
- An income support payment of nearly $600 will be funded for individuals, losing more than 20 hours of work.
- Individuals who lost between 8 to 20 hours of work, will receive $375 as a support payment.